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Multilanguage website with Nuxt.js


  1. Install nuxt-i18n module
  2. Edit nuxt.config.js
  3. Create translation content folders structure
  4. Translate global content
  5. Translate pages content
  6. Use translation strings
  7. Multilanguage links
  8. Language switcher

1. Install nuxt-i18n module

npm install -P nuxt-i18n

2. Edit nuxt.config.js

Add and configure the module in the ‘modules’ section of yout nuxt.config.js. You can find all the options and documentation here.

modules: [
            locales: [
                    code: 'en',
                    iso: 'en-US',
                    name: 'English',
                    file: 'en/en.js'

                    code: 'it',
                    iso: 'it-IT',
                    name: 'Italian',
                    file: 'it/it.js'

                    code: 'de',
                    iso: 'de',
                    name: 'German',
                    file: 'de/de.js'

                    code: 'es',
                    iso: 'es',
                    name: 'Spanish',
                    file: 'es/es.js'
            defaultLocale: 'en',
            strategy: 'prefix',
            langDir: 'assets/content/',
            lazy: true,
            rootRedirect: 'en/',
            detectBrowserLanguage: false,

            vueI18n: {
                fallbackLocale: 'en',
                silentTranslationWarn: true

3. Create translation content folders structure

The folder ‘assets/content/’ will contain all translated content of the website.

For each language we’ll have:

  • a global/common set of translation strings (menu, header, footer, socials, common content)
  • a specific translation file for every page in this website.
  • content will be added in json files

Folders creation

  1. Create ‘assets/content’ folder
  2. For each language create the relative language folder inside it:
    1. ‘assets/content/en'
    2. 'assets/content/it'
    3. 'assets/content/de'
    4. 'assets/content/es’

Inside each language folder there will be:

  1. the common lang file(en/en.js, it/it.js, de/de.js, es/es.js)
  2. the ‘parts’ folder that will contain a file foreach page of the project and that will be reference inside the components .vue files.

4. Translate global content

Option 1: Inside the common translation files of each lang directly write the json containing translations. You can use a plain key:value structure or organize strings in objects.

Example of ‘en/en.js’ file:

  "social-vimeo-url": "",
  "social-twitter-url": "",
  "social-linkedin-url": "",
  "forms": {
    "intro-text": "Want more information?",
    "name": "Name",
    "surname": "Surname",
    "company": "Company"

Option 2: Inside the common translation files of each lang (es. en/en.js) import tranlation content from other json files

import commonContent from "./parts/common.json";
import socialsContent from "./parts/socials.json";
import formsContent from "./parts/forms.json";

export default {

5. Translate pages content

Create one file for each page in your project and reference it in the ‘i18n’ section of your .vue files, as follow:

Example of page-homepage.json:

  "meta-title": "Berry meta title",
  "meta-description": "Berry meta description",

  "hero": {
    "title": "Hi Berry!",
    "text": "This website is great",
    "button-video-url": "",
    "button-video-text": "Watch the video",
    "image-alt": "Image alt"

  "intro": {
    "title": "intro title",
    "text": "intro text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit."

load translations inside index.vue:

i18n: {
    messages: {
        'en': require('~/assets/content/en/parts/page-homepage.json'),
        'it': require('~/assets/content/it/parts/page-homepage.json'),
        'de': require('~/assets/content/de/parts/page-homepage.json'),
        'es': require('~/assets/content/es/parts/page-homepage.json')

6. Use translation strings

Inside template section:

<div class="intro">
  <div class="intro__title">{{ $t('intro.title ')}}</div>
  <div class="intro__text" v-html="$t('intro.text')"></div>

Inside data function:

hero: {
    src: 'super-hero.jpg',
    alt: this.$i18n.t('hero.image-alt'),

Now, inside the project, every internal link should have multilang href.

So, replace this:

<nuxt-link to="products-product1">
  {{ $t('products.product1.linktext') }}

with this:

<nuxt-link :to="localePath('products-product1')">
  {{ $t('products.product1.linktext') }}

8. Language switcher

This is a simple implementation of a language switcher

  <nav id="header__langs-menu">
    <ul class="menu">
      <li v-for="item in locales" :key="item.code">
        <nuxt-link :to="switchLocalePath(item.code)">{{ item.code }}</nuxt-link>

  data () {
      return {
          locales: this.$i18n.locales