
I'm Berry,
and I love building websites.

I'm Andrea Berardi,
an italian 🇮🇹 Web Developer with 10+ years of experience, currently located in Halifax, NS, Canada 🇨🇦

I build websites,
and my main focus and experience is frontend development.

Fallen in love with Component-Based development, I work with CMS like Drupal, Statamic, WordPress, CraftCMS, SSG like Eleventy (11ty), and frontend frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt.js.

Content structure, semantic markup, implementing pixel perfect responsive layouts mastering CSS, and a sweet sprinkling of JavaScript (ES6+) are my daily bread and butter.

Attention to details, and UI usability and technical SEO best practices are good additions to my hard skills set.

What am I doing right now?
Currently having fun with Statamic, Eleventy and Next.js

Plans for the future?
Rocket hands-on experience with Jamstack ecostystem, data visualization with Chart.js, and deep dive into technical SEO are on the way.